Sunday, May 23, 2010

Live Blogging the LOST Series Finale

Some very enthused people were... LiveBlogging: LOST Series Finale !

Here is a copy of their live tweets, Enjoy! (visit their blog for comments.)
Tonight we will Live Blog LOST series finale for those who can’t watch it early!  Please refresh the page to view latest updates

9:01:  Random Scenes of Oceanic Airlines. Sideways Locke about to perform surgery it seems. Sideways: Sawyer staring at mirror he punched.

9:03: Sideways> Desmond taking Christian Shephards casket out of Oceanic airlnes tagged truck. Desmond talks to Kate in the car. Kate wants to know why Desmond busts her out of Jail.

9:05: Island time: Sawyer talking to Jack who was just converted to the new Island leader from Jacob. Jack tells everyone that they should go to the “heart of the island”. He says FLocke wants to put out the light of the island. Sawyer thinks Desmond is what’s needed for “FLOCKE” to put out that light.

9:10: Sideways> Hurley and Sayid in a van, Hurley tries to refresh Sayid’s memory of what i’m guessing is their original timeline. Hurley goes to pick up Charlie, who’s drinking. Hurley wants Charlie to play in the concert. Charlie refuses, Hurley shoots Charlie with a tranquilizer gun, and puts him in the back of the yellow van.

9:13:  Island time> Hurley, Jack, Kate walking….  Sawyer hiding in the bushes watching Flocke. Ben discovers him.  Flocke went to the well but Desmond is no where to be found. Sawyer punches Ben in the face and escapes. Flocke says the island will sink at the bottom of the ocean when he finds Desmond.

9:15: Island time > It appears Rose and Benard saved Desmond from the well. Vincent the dog licks Desmond’s face. Rose says she built her hut in ‘75 and the sky lit up.. Rose and Benard don’t want any drama between Desmond and the other losties. Flocke meets up with Desmond, and Flocke threatens to kill Rose and Benard… Desmond agress to go with him to avoid Rose and Benard from dieing.

9:21: Miles radios to Ben who’s secretly trying to hide a 2 way radio from Flocke. Flocke and Ben and Desmond are walking towards the light. Ben won’t answer Miles, as Miles says he found Richard Alpert alive and well.

9:23:  Sideways > Miles calls Sawyer at the police station because Miles sees Sayid in the yellow van. Miles is at his dad’s “concert benefit thing”…

9:24: Sideways> YES! Doctor Juliet walks into Sun and Jin at the hospital. Sun is on the bed. Juliet is giving an ultrasound of her belly. Once this happens Sun and Jin gets a flash of their original timeline. Sun is happy about her baby’s ultrasound and says their baby’s name Ji Yuen. They suddenly start speaking English. Juliet compliments them on their English.

9:30: Island time > Sawyer runs to Jack et. al, to tell them that he found Flocke. Jack says they are all going to the same place, the heart of the island.

9:31:  Sideways > Locke and Jack chat it up before Locke gets surgery. Jack says he found his father’s coffin.

9:32: Island time > Miles and Richard talk on the dock. Miles found a grey hair. I’m guessing after Jacob’s transfer to Jack, Richard may have lost his eternal life. Miles and Richard are rowing across the sea and find dead bodies from the sub explosion. Frank Lapidus is found on a life preserver. Richard and Miles and Frank are on their way to Hydra Island to blow up the plane because they think Flocke will leave the island by that way.

9:35 Island time > Jack Kate and Hurley Sawyer  meet up with Flocke Ben and co. Kate shoots at Flocke but bullets obviously don’t hurt him. Flocke and Jack talk face to face. Jack acts all confident and wants to go with Flocke to the heart of the island. Jack says Flocke’s plan will fail because Jack will somehow kill Flocke.. Flocke of course doesn’t believe it.

9:39:  Sideways> Jack and Juliet meet each other working at the hospital island time.  They say they are going to the concert. Jack’s son appears and reveals Juliet is her mother. Sawyer comes in as LAPD and asks for sun and jin’s room.

9:40:  Island time > Jack believes Flocke is going to use Desmond as a weapon. Flocke  says that only Jack, him, and Desmond may come to the secret light spot. Flocke Jack and Desmond enter an area of bamboo, and reach the heart of the island. It is a cave of light, but it looks sort of dark.  Flocke ties a rope to himself, Jack ties a rope to Desmond. Desmond tells Jack about the flash sideways. Desmond says nothing matters because in the flash sideways time, everyone and their loved ones will be there. We get to see inside the cave of light. There’s a waterfall that drops into a yellow light pool.

9:47: Sideways > Sayid and Hurley are in some shady place at night. Sayid asks why they are there, and Hurley won’t tell him. A fight breaks out at the corner, and Sayid goes to break up the fight when a girl looks as if she was punched to the ground. Sayid goes out to help them and Sayid gets his original timeline flash. We learn the girl is Shannon, and Sayid and Shannon kiss. We learn this whole scene was a ploy to get Sayid to intervene.

9:51 Island: Miles Lapidus and Richard reach Hydra island, suddenly Claire appears out of nowhere and shoots at them but no one gets hurt. Claire believes they came to kill her but Richard convinces her otherwise. Meanwhile, Desmond is lowered down into the lighted cave. For some reason Jack is helping Flocke lower Desmond down. Flocke reminds Jack about lowering Desmond down into the hole, similar to the hatch and pushing the button. Jack tells Flocke that he’s not Locke, he may use his memories but he is nothing like him.

9:58: Sideways > Scene with Juliette at the concert, she talks to Claire. Claire and Jack’s son enter the concert. Charlotte wakes up Charlie who was previously knocked out by Hurley. Charlotte meets Daniel Faraday.  Claire meets Kate at the event. Jack asks if he knows her. Mile’s father who looks weird as hell anyway, presents Daniel Widmore and his band to the concert. Charlie looks at Claire and looks as if he might remember her. Claire looks and Charlie but leaves, she might be in Labor soon…

10:02: Island > Desmond in the cave reaches the yellow light. It looks godly. When he goes near it, some weird effect happens with rattling noises. It looks like Demond’s mind is being ripped apart. Desmond with his last strength raises a stone out of the pool of light. Suddenly it gets DARK! The  whole place turns red. Desmond says noooo!!! The island shakes for a little bit. Jack suddenly punches Flocke, and we see blood on his face. It appears Flocke can now be killed, and maybe the Island will sink… commercial break..

10:09  Sideways > Kate meets Claire, who looks like she’s in labor. Kate asks a custodian to find a doctor… At the concert.. Eloise sits next to Desmond and tells Desmond to stop whatever he is doing. She then reveals she knows about the two timelines. She asks when everyone remembers, what is going to happen next? Desmond says “we’re leaving” and Eloise asks if Desmond is going to take her son “Daniel” away from her….  Meanwhile, Claire is pushing out her baby… Charlie leaves to get blanket… Kate then remembers about when she was on the island helping Claire give birth to her baby. Charlie brings a blanket to Claire and when she holds his hand, they remember being on the island.

10:15 Island > The island starts to shake, it starts raining, trees fall. Ben pushes Hurley out of the way, but the tree falls on top of Ben. Ben is still alive however since he fell into a ditch. Everyone tries to help save Ben from the fallen tree. Miles radios into Kate, saying they are fixing the plane and are going to leave the island in an hour. Sawyer says they are too far away and won’t reach in time. Ben who’s still stuck underneath the tree says they can reach there quickly if they use Flocke’s boat…  FLocke is standing on a cliff looking out into the ocean, Jack reaches up and they go into battle, commercial break…

10:23 Island > Flocke and Jack battle on.  Jack chokes flocke, he escapes, Jack and Flocke battle while reaching for the knife. Flocke stabs Jack and tries again. They struggle again. Knife is 2cms above Jack’s neck. Suddenly, Kate reaches up and shoots Flocke in the back. Jack gets up and kicks Flocke off the cliff. He may have died…

10: 26: Sideways: > After completing Locke’s surgery, Jack’s neck starts bleeding and he wipes it off. Locke wakes up from surgery and can feel his legs move. It appears he remembers the island timeline.  Locke says “it worked” but he may be referring to both this timeline and island timeline, and/or that the surgery worked. Jack tries to leave and tells Locke he has to see his son at the concert… Locke tells Jack that he has no son. According to the original timeline Jack has no son.

10:31 Island > Jack is hurt badly from his stab wound when he fought Flocke. It appears the sun is back out and they see a boat off into a distance. Kate says Flocke is dead and it’s over.. yet we have 30 minutes left in the program.. The island shakes again…

10:32 Sideways > Sawyer goes to Sun and Jin’s room in the hospital.  Sawyer tells Sun he wants to protect them, but Sun says she’s safe. Sun says she will see him there.. (probably referring to that concert) but Sawyer doesn’t understand…

10:34 Island > Lapidus is trying to get the plane working… The island shakes periodically, and Kate wants Jack to come with her to leave the island via plane. Jack wants to go back to the heart of the island to turn the light back on. Jack accepts his responsibility to be ruler of the island. Ben and Hurley agree to stay on the island with Jack. Kate and Jack kiss goodbye…

10:42 Island > Lapidus Miles, and Richard are preparing to leave the island via Airplane. Sawyer and Kate won’t reach in time. They jump off the cliff to get to a boat in the ocean..

10:43 Sideways > Sawyer at the hospital after meeting Sun and Jin, reaches up inside a vending machine when suddenly Juliette appears. They sorta kinda flirt in a way. Juliette wants to help Sawyer get his candy.  Sawyer unplugs the back but all the lights turn off.  Juliette says it worked, and hands Sawyer the candy. They remember their time on the island and they start to cry and laugh together.

10:51: Sideways > Jack reaches to the concert, and meets Kate. Jack says he was looking for his son. Jack asks Kate if he knows her from somewhere. Kate reaches out to Jack’s face and Jack gets a flash and kind of remembers Kate, but it looks as if he’s trying to repress the memory. Kate says if Jack comes with her, he’ll understand whats going on..

10:53 Island > Jack, Ben, Hurley, reaches back to the cave of light, and wants to go in. Hurley stops him because he doesn’t want Jack to die like Desmond has… Island shakes again. Jack says Hurley needs to be the leader of the Island. Jack makes Hurley drink  a bottled water from the spring so that Hurley can be the leader… In a similar modern fashion as to how Jacob passed on leadership to Jack….  Hurley and Ben go in the cave and lower’s Jack down so he can turn on the light back inside the cave. This cave went dark previously when Desmond was lowered in and somehow put it out. Desmond is confused as to why he’s still here. He thought when he entered the light he would be transported to the sideways timeline. Jack says he will turn the light on and wants Desmond to leave the place.

10:59 Island > Lapidus is about to take off with the airplane. Sawyer and Kate meet up with Claire on a beach. Kate convinces Claire to come with them to the plane. Lapidus stops the plane from lifting off now that Sawyer, Kate, and Claire have arrived. Meanwhile Jack continues to try to turn back on the light at the heart of the island. Back to Lapidus, they took off and might finally leave the island again!

11:05 Island > Jack appears to have fixed the Island, and has now turned the light back on. Jack is just smiling laying there in the water as the light flickers back on.   Hurley and Ben thinks they are pulling Jack back from the cave but instead Desmond appears.

11:10 Sideways > Locke reaches to a church very late via Taxi. He still uses a wheel chair. Ben is sitting outside as if he was waiting for him..Ben tells Locke that he was sorry for being selfish. Ben says he was jealous of Locke because he wanted everything he had. It appears Ben remembers the island timeline, and tells Locke that he no longer needs to be in the wheel chair. Locke gets up and walks away from the chair. Locke says goodbye to Ben.

11:14 Island > Hurley believes Jack is dead. Ben convinces Hurley to lead the island. Ben tells Hurley he should help Desmond leave the island. Hurley says there’s no way, and Ben reminds him that those were Jacob’s rules. Hurley asks Ben to help him.

11: 20 Sideways > The house that Locke reaches to was actually a funeral for Jack’s father. Hurley comes out side to greet Ben and asks him to go inside. Ben says he’s not. Hurley tells Ben that he was a great #2, and Ben tells Hurley is a great #1 (Alluding to that Hurley is the leader of the Island now, and Ben was his second hand man). Kate and Jack are sitting in a car, Kate reveals that the place they went to was the church for the funeral for Jack’s father.  Jack goes inside, and when he touches the casket he remembers his time on the island. Jack opens the casket and sees that it’s empty. Jack’s father is standing behind him.

11:21 Sideways > Jack asks his father how is it that he’s alive and here. His father asks him the same question. Jack says he died too (He probably died when he was engulfed by the light on the island??) Jack asks his father if he’s real. Jack asks if everyone is dead, and his father says that everyone dies some time. Jack asks where they are now, and his father says ” this is a place where you all made together”

11:24 We learn the Flash Sideways might actually be some sort of “memory” they all collectively made. So it could be “heaven” in a sense?? All members of LOST throughout the seasons hug each other inside the church. When they open the church doors, we see a bright light.  They show a scene similar to season 1 when Jack is on the ground with his eye open. The scene shows Jack looking up at the plane, presumably Lapidus, Miles, Richard, Sawyer, and Kate, are flying on as they escape the island. Vincent licks Jack’s face as he smiles.

Alternate Ending 1 : Losties sit around a campfire. Sayid explains what happens on the Sub, and Jeff Probst shows up to tell Sayid he has been voted off the island. Michael shows up and Sayid asks what he’s doing there….

Alternate Ending 2:  Hyugo is sitting in a restaurant and Claire, Jack, and Richard show up and start talking about how they should focus on the good times. Jin is outisde trying to parallell park the VW van. Richard leaves the restaurant. Hurley gets his huge plate of food. Hurley says he figured out the secret to the isla…. and cuts to black.

Alternative Ending 3:  Bedroom a light switches on. Bob Newhart wakes up in a bed from a dream how he had an inn in a crazy little town in vermont. Damon and Carlton wake up in bed next to each other having an intimate moment. (Note there was too many references to old shows I didn’t get…)

Credits go to  WBMike @

= = =

Daniel @

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